City council adds another hindrance to Duke’s plan

The Carmel city council has taken another step to try to prevent Duke’s plan to add a substation and high-voltage transmission line to our neighborhood.

The ordinance passed Nov. 20 states that the council believes Duke Energy’s proposed power line path is not “in the public interest” and as a result Duke will need to receive approval from Carmel’s Board of Public Works before proceeding.

You can read the full story in Current in Carmel here:

Carmel City Council stops Duke Energy from building new power lines near Rohrer Road

Write Your State Representatives

We’ve gotten the support of the City of Carmel, now we’re ready to ask our state representatives to join our fight. It’s time to start writing letters!

Here’s what we recommend:

Step 1: Write your letter

We’ve put together a template you can personalize, or of course you can write your own letter from scratch.

Step 2: Send your letter

Your letter will help whenever you send it, but if you want to add to a flood, we are timing sending our letters to arrive between November 27 and December 8.

Step 3: Follow up with a call

A couple days after you send your letter, give the office a call. The staffers at these offices are very nice and easy to talk to; it’s not as intimidating to call as you might think!

  • Representative Torr: 317-232-9742
  • Senator Delph: 317-232-9400
  • Governor Holcomb: 317-232-4567

Current in Carmel covers city council meeting

Current in Carmel covered presentations at the city council meeting about the urgent need to stop high-voltage transmission lines from going in next to our homes. The meeting was very well-attended:

Neighbors expressed concerns about tree removal, unsightly poles and cancer potentially caused by proximity to lines.

Carmel Fire Dept. officials handed out tickets at the Nov. 6 Carmel City Council meeting because seats were full and space was standing-room only.

Residents pack Carmel City Council meeting to speak out against proposed Duke Energy power lines

Our community—and our city council—agrees that none of the proposed routes for this high-voltage lines are acceptable. Thanks to everyone who came out to have their voice heard, and don’t stop fighting!